Course Organization

The expected learning outcomes for the course will be assessed through six forms of activity:

1. Attending the lectures

2. Preparing for and participating in the recitations.

3. Assignments

4. Reading the text

5. Quiz

6. Exams

The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms


Assignment 10%

Tutorial 10%

Quizzes / Moodle 15%

Class Participation 5%

Paper based Exam 60%


Code: CS-4125

Course: Software Project Management

Text Books:

(1) Roger. S. Pressman, “Software Engineering, A Practitioner’s Approach”, 8th edition, 2015

(2) Iron Sommerville, “Software Engineering”, Global Edition, 10th edition, 2016

(3) Rajib Mall, “Fundamentals of Software Engineering”, Fourth Edition, 2014

                                                        Course Assessment

                                    This course should assess the student as follows:

                                                      Exam – 70%

                                                     Tutorial – 20%

                                                     Quiz – 10%

                                   The pass grade for this course is – C (50)